Boost Your Printing Efficiency with Pre-Burned Screens

Boost Your Printing Efficiency With Pre Burned Screens
Boost Your Printing Efficiency With Pre-Burned Screens

Printing efficiency is vital to any business that relies on screen printing as part of its production process. The efficiency of your printing process can be affected by many factors, such as the quality of your screens and the tools you use for the printing job. However, one sure-fire way to boost your printing efficiency is through pre-burned screens.

Pre-burned screens are a game-changer in the screen printing industry, as they help businesses save time and reduce costs. With pre-burned screens, you no longer need to spend countless hours preparing and exposing screens. Instead, you can focus on your printing tasks, knowing that your screens are ready to use as soon as you need them.

If you want to take your printing efficiency to the next level, pre-burned screens are the way to go. These screens are manufactured using state-of-the-art technology, ensuring that they are accurate, consistent, and able to produce high-quality prints every time. Pre-burned screens also come in different mesh counts and sizes, allowing you to choose the best screen for your particular printing project.

In conclusion, if you’re looking to improve your printing efficiency and achieve better results, pre-burned screens are a surefire solution. At Print Pals, we offer a wide range of pre-burned screens to suit your printing needs. Contact us today to learn more about our products and how we can help you take your printing business to the next level.

Pre Burned Screens For Screen Printing
“Pre Burned Screens For Screen Printing” ~ bbaz



Screen printing has always been a tedious and time-consuming process. Waiting for the screens to dry after being coated with emulsion, exposing the design on the screens, and then washing and drying them before finally, you can print can take a long time. That’s why pre-burned screens have become an essential tool in the screen printing industry. Pre-burned screens save time, labor, and help you produce more items quickly. This article will compare the efficiency of using pre-burned screens versus coating, exposing, and drying the screens yourself.

Coating Your Own Screens versus Pre-Burned Screens


Time and Labor

The time and labor it takes to coat your own screens can be very high. You have to ensure that the screens are clean and free of contaminants, and then apply a coat of emulsion onto both sides of the screen. The emulsion then needs to dry completely, which can take hours or even overnight. In comparison, pre-burned screens come ready-to-use, saving you time and effort.



Coating screens yourself requires you to purchase emulsion, which can add up in cost over time. In contrast, pre-burned screens may seem more expensive upfront, but they save you money in the long run as you won’t have to purchase emulsion as frequently.

Exposing Screens Yourself versus Pre-Burned Screens


Time and Labor

Exposing screens yourself takes a considerable amount of time and labor. You must ensure that the design is properly centered, and the exposure time is set correctly. It’s also critical to ensure that the screen gets washed correctly after exposure. This can be a time-consuming process. Pre-burned screens require less time and effort because the design is already created on the screen through an automated process.



The quality of the exposure can be different between the two methods. With pre-burned screens, the design is produced using automated technology, which produces consistent results, resulting in higher quality prints. When exposing screens yourself, there is always the risk of human error, resulting in an inconsistent print quality.

Drying Screens Yourself versus Pre-Burned Screens


Time and Labor

Drying screens after exposure can be a time-consuming process. You need to ensure that the screens are dry before printing or else the emulsion can wash-out during the printing process which creates unwanted results. With pre-burned screens, the design is already on the screen, so you don’t have to wait for the screens to dry, allowing you to print immediately.

Space and Storage


Drying screens yourself involves laying them flat to dry, which takes up space. This can be problematic if you have limited space in your shop. Over time, screens that are continually coated with emulsion and exposed will become unusable and must be replaced. Pre-burned screens are stored efficiently and take up less space in your work area since they come ready-to-use and don’t require the extra space to store them after coating and exposing.


Using pre-burned screens vs. coating, exposing, and drying screens yourself has distinct advantages and disadvantages. Although pre-burned screens may seem expensive upfront, they end up saving you money in the long run on labor and materials like emulsion. Additionally, pre-burned screens offer consistent quality, saving you time and effort with fewer human errors. Finally, pre-burned screens take up less space in your workshop and require no additional time or effort to prepare for use. Overall, pre-burned screens are an excellent option for companies looking to improve their production efficiency and lessen their workload.

Boost Your Printing Efficiency with Pre-Burned Screens

Thank you for taking the time to read our article about how using pre-burned screens can boost your printing efficiency. We hope that the information we have provided has been helpful and informative, and that you will be able to implement these tips in your own printing processes.

By using pre-burned screens, you can save time and money on creating your own screens from scratch. This method allows for faster set-up times and more consistent prints, which in turn can lead to increased productivity and profits. Not only that, but pre-burned screens are also environmentally friendly, as they can be reused multiple times.

Overall, investing in pre-burned screens can be a great way to improve your printing efficiency and take your business to the next level. We hope that you will consider incorporating this method into your printing processes and experiencing the benefits for yourself. Thank you again for reading, and we wish you all the best in your printing endeavors.

Boost Your Printing Efficiency with Pre-Burned Screens

  • What are pre-burned screens?
    • Pre-burned screens are ready-made screens that have already been exposed with a design or image using a photo emulsion process.
  • Why should I use pre-burned screens?
    • Using pre-burned screens can save you time and effort in the screen printing process. You do not have to spend time exposing your own screens, which can be a complicated and time-consuming process.
  • Can I use pre-burned screens for multiple prints?
    • Yes, you can reuse pre-burned screens for multiple prints as long as the design has not deteriorated or become damaged.
  • Do pre-burned screens produce high-quality prints?
    • Yes, pre-burned screens can produce high-quality prints as long as they are used properly and cared for correctly.
  • Where can I purchase pre-burned screens?
    • Pre-burned screens can be purchased from various screen printing supply companies online or in-store.