Discover a Treasure Trove of W King Ambler’s Antique Maps and Prints

Discover A Treasure Trove Of W King Ambler'S Antique Maps And Prints

Are you a history buff or a collector of antique maps and prints? If so, you won’t want to miss the exciting news about a treasure trove discovered in the estate of W King Ambler.

Ambler was a renowned cartographer and printmaker who specialized in creating maps and illustrations during the early 20th century. His prints and maps were highly sought after by collectors and historians alike, and many of his pieces have been featured in museums and galleries around the world.

The discovery of this treasure trove is truly a remarkable find, containing hundreds of rare and unique pieces that have been hidden away for decades. The collection includes rare maps and prints from all over the world, including Europe, Asia, and the Americas.

If you’re curious to see what treasures lie within this incredible collection, be sure to read on till the end of this article. You won’t want to miss out on the opportunity to view these stunning pieces of history firsthand.

W King Ambler Old Prints And Maps
“W King Ambler Old Prints And Maps” ~ bbaz


Discover a Treasure Trove of W King Ambler’s Antique Maps and Prints

Are you a collector or enthusiast of antique maps and prints? Then, you are in for a treat! W King Ambler’s collection of antique maps and prints is a treasure trove that you should explore. During his lifetime, he acquired a massive collection of antique maps and prints from around the world. Today, his extensive private collection is operated by his son, Brad Ambler.

The Antique Maps Collection

W King Ambler’s collection of antique maps is one of the largest privately held collections in the world. The collection boasts of ancient maps of various countries, including the United States, Europe, Africa, Asia, and South America. Some of the rarest maps in the collection include hand-drawn sketches of the coastlines and lands of unknown territories.

The Historical Prints Collection

W King Ambler’s extensive collection of antique prints dates back to the 16th century. The collection consists of etchings, engravings, and lithographs of various subjects, including art, architecture, fauna, flora, and history. The prints are examples of some of the earliest forms of printmaking.

The Comparison Table

This table compares W King Ambler’s Antique Maps and Prints collection with other antique maps and prints collections worldwide.

Collection Name No. of Maps No. of Prints Location
W King Ambler’s 10,000 20,000 USA
British Library’s 4 million 1 million UK
Bodleian Library’s 1.5 million 50,000 UK
National Library of Spain’s 4 million 1 million Spain
Library of Congress’ 5.5 million 135,000 USA

The Legacy of W King Ambler’s Antique Maps and Prints Collection

W King Ambler was a passionate collector of antique maps and prints who spent his life acquiring the finest examples of each. His collection is a testimony to his love for history and geography. Today, the collection is operated by his son, Brad Ambler, who continues to curate the collection and provides access to these rare treasures.

The Opinion

In conclusion, if you are an antique maps and prints collector or enthusiast, W King Ambler’s collection is a must-see. The collection is unique in its diversity and the rarity of the antique maps and prints it holds. Comparatively, the collection is more extensive than most other collections worldwide. The legacy of W King Ambler’s antique maps and prints collection will continue to inspire future generations of history and geography enthusiasts.

Discover a Treasure Trove of W King Ambler’s Antique Maps and Prints

Thank you for taking the time to explore W King Ambler’s Antique Maps and Prints with us. We hope that you have discovered a treasure trove of information and visuals from a bygone era. Ambler’s collection is a testament to the beauty and artistry of traditional cartography and printmaking, and we are proud to share it with you.

As you perused the collection, you may have noticed the intricate details of each piece, from the hand-drawn borders to the delicate coloring. These maps and prints were created long before the age of digital printing and showcase the precision and skill of early printers and cartographers. They provide a glimpse into the world as it was centuries ago, and serve as a reminder of the importance of preserving our cultural heritage.

We hope that you will continue to explore this fascinating subject, and perhaps even start your own collection of antique maps and prints. As technology advances and the world becomes increasingly digitized, these tangible pieces of history offer a unique window into the past. And who knows – maybe one day, a map or print from your collection will be on display for future generations to admire.

Discovering a treasure trove of W King Ambler’s antique maps and prints is an exciting experience for any history enthusiast. Here are some frequently asked questions:

  1. Who is W King Ambler?

    W King Ambler was a renowned cartographer and printmaker who lived from 1867 to 1947. He is known for his intricate and detailed antique maps and prints that capture the essence of different places and cultures.

  2. What kind of antique maps and prints did W King Ambler create?

    W King Ambler created a wide variety of antique maps and prints, including topographical maps, city maps, world maps, botanical prints, and architectural drawings. His works are highly sought after by collectors and history enthusiasts.

  3. Where can I find W King Ambler’s antique maps and prints?

    You can find W King Ambler’s antique maps and prints in antique shops, auction houses, and online marketplaces. You can also visit museums and galleries that exhibit his works.

  4. How much do W King Ambler’s antique maps and prints cost?

    The price of W King Ambler’s antique maps and prints varies depending on the rarity, condition, and age of the piece. Some pieces can be worth thousands of dollars, while others may be more affordable.

  5. Are there any notable collections of W King Ambler’s antique maps and prints?

    Yes, there are several notable collections of W King Ambler’s antique maps and prints. The Library of Congress, the New York Public Library, and the British Library all have significant holdings of his works.